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Movie Matinee
2025-04-04 13:30:002025-04-04 16:30:00America/ChicagoMovie MatineeFree screenings of popular and acclaimed movies. For movie titles and ratings, call the Library, or pick up a flyer at either location.Aspen Drive Library, Vernon Hills - Meeting Room
Friday, April 04 1:30pm - 4:30pm
Add to Calendar2025-04-04 13:30:002025-04-04 16:30:00America/ChicagoMovie MatineeFree screenings of popular and acclaimed movies. For movie titles and ratings, call the Library, or pick up a flyer at either location.Aspen Drive Library, Vernon Hills - Meeting Room
Tickets available only at Aspen Drive Library. The $55 per person ticket includes transportation, commentary by Jeff Mishur, museum and gallery admission, and guided tours.
Need help with technology or a smart device? Visit us on Saturdays for individual instruction and basic troubleshooting from local high school volunteers.
Need help with technology or a smart device? Visit us on Saturdays for individual instruction and basic troubleshooting from local high school volunteers.
Need help with technology or a smart device? Visit us on Saturdays for individual instruction and basic troubleshooting from local high school volunteers.
Need help with technology or a smart device? Visit us on Saturdays for individual instruction and basic troubleshooting from local high school volunteers.
Join us the 2nd Sunday of each month February through November (skipping June and July) for the Foreign Policy Association's Great Decisions Discussion.
Read and then discuss books with other interesting people while practicing your English in conversation. Join us! For more information and to register, email Darek Makowski at
Libertyville Civic Center - 135 W Church St, Libertyville, IL 60048
Dance and sing along to upbeat hits from the '40-'90s, plus a few Irish favorites. Fun, energy, and interactive surprises await. Reserve your spot today!
Meet with an intake specialist to get connected with social services resources. Visits are on a first-come, first-serve basis, located in Study Room E.
Bright Star Theatre presents a wonderful introduction to the life of one of America's most influential men. Follow along as the play takes us through Dr. King's life! REGISTRATION OPENS 02/10 AT 4 PM
Create custom string art to brighten your space! Learn the basics and craft a unique piece for your home. Materials provided. Registration opens Monday, February 10 at 9 am.
Energize and find peace! Ideal for beginners and all abilities, this class connects breath with movement, building strength and relaxation. Join us for a rejuvenating experience!
Improve your English conversation skills at this informal weekly café. To register, email Darek Makowski at with your name, email address, and telephone number.
Step into the life of Elvis Presley, from his explosive rise in 1956 to his reign as the King of Rock & Roll. Explore his iconic performances, musical legacy, and lasting cultural impact.
If you knit, crochet, needlepoint, or enjoy any other
handicraft, here is a great opportunity to work on it at
the Library with new friends. All levels are welcome.
Join Hailey for an inclusive Tai Chi and Qi Gong class suitable for all ages and abilities. Enjoy gentle movements that promote wellness for body, mind, and spirit. All levels welcome!
Meet with Art Noparstak, a certified business mentor from SCORE, to get advice on starting a business, writing a business plan, and implementing a marketing strategy.
Meet with Art Noparstak, a certified business mentor from SCORE, to get advice on starting a business, writing a business plan, and implementing a marketing strategy.
Meet with Art Noparstak, a certified business mentor from SCORE, to get advice on starting a business, writing a business plan, and implementing a marketing strategy.
Join Sean Cleland, master Irish fiddler and executive director of the Irish Music School of Chicago, and his trio for a lively, interactive performance of traditional music and history.
Cook Park Library, Libertyville - Digital Studio 1
Get started with audio recording in our Digital Studios. Training will cover how to set up a Logic Pro session with the studio's microphones so you can record that first demo or podcast episode.
Learn about artist Keith Haring and his style of art. Create and take home your own Haring-inspired masterpiece! REGISTRATION OPENS THURSDAY 02/13 AT 4 PM
Join us to watch and discuss the documentary,
SEED: THE UNTOLD STORY. This film "follows passionate seed-keepers as they rekindle and revive a culture connected to seeds." - Kanopy
Aspen Drive Library, Vernon Hills - Digital Studio 2
This 30-minute workshop shows you how to use Vidbox to convert VHS, VHS-C, and Mini DV tapes to digital video formats that can be stored on a computer hard drive, DVD, or online.
Need help with technology or a smart device? Visit us on Saturdays for individual instruction and basic troubleshooting from local high school volunteers.
Need help with technology or a smart device? Visit us on Saturdays for individual instruction and basic troubleshooting from local high school volunteers.
Aspen Drive Library, Vernon Hills - Children's Flex Space
Start your Saturday off with a smile at our lively and play-based family story time event! Caregivers attend with their child(ren). This event meets one Saturday a month. DROP IN
Need help with technology or a smart device? Visit us on Saturdays for individual instruction and basic troubleshooting from local high school volunteers.
Need help with technology or a smart device? Visit us on Saturdays for individual instruction and basic troubleshooting from local high school volunteers.
Meet with an intake specialist to get connected with social services resources. Visits are on a first-come, first-serve basis, located in Study Room E.
Explore fun and classic children's books, starting with the Betsy and Tacy series! We'll read the story together and enjoy a craft . REGISTRATION OPENS MONDAY 02/17 AT 4 PM.
Create custom string art to brighten your space! Learn the basics and craft a unique piece for your home. Materials provided. Registration opens Monday, February 17, at 9 AM.
Energize and find peace! Ideal for beginners and all abilities, this class connects breath with movement, building strength and relaxation. Join us for a rejuvenating experience!
Create a unique piece that captures the charm of spring, and adds a soft, enchanting glow to any room. Materials provided. Registration opens Thursday, February 6 at 9 am.
Aspen Drive Library, Vernon Hills - Digital Studio 2
This 30-minute workshop shows you how to use Vidbox to convert VHS, VHS-C, and Mini DV tapes to digital video formats that can be stored on a computer hard drive, DVD, or online.
Join Hailey for an inclusive Tai Chi and Qi Gong class suitable for all ages and abilities. Enjoy gentle movements that promote wellness for body, mind, and spirit. All levels welcome!
Join us to get involved with the Library! Bring your ideas about programs or new services for middle schoolers. REGISTRATION OPENS WEDNESDAY 02/19 AT 4 PM
Get creative and paint your very own designs onto three pairs of wooden earrings. Materials provided. Registration opens Wednesday, February 19 at 9 am.
Heirloom and heritage seeds have family stories that often accompany them. Sara Straate will share some of the stories and ways that the Seed Savers Network is working to save those stories and seeds.
From the biggest trends to hidden gems, our readers' advisors, the Bookies, are revealing their most-anticipated titles of the season. Light refreshments will be provided.
Need help with technology or a smart device? Visit us on Saturdays for individual instruction and basic troubleshooting from local high school volunteers.
Need help with technology or a smart device? Visit us on Saturdays for individual instruction and basic troubleshooting from local high school volunteers.
Need help with technology or a smart device? Visit us on Saturdays for individual instruction and basic troubleshooting from local high school volunteers.
Need help with technology or a smart device? Visit us on Saturdays for individual instruction and basic troubleshooting from local high school volunteers.
Elevate your crochet skills by making a stylish and functional water bottle holder. Bring your own 5mm crochet hook. Prior crochet experience required.
Read and then discuss books with other interesting people while practicing your English in conversation. Join us! For more information and to register, email Darek Makowski at
Meet with an intake specialist to get connected with social services resources. Visits are on a first-come, first-serve basis, located in Study Room E.
Cook Park Library, Libertyville - Digital Studio 1
Get started with audio recording in our Digital Studios. Training will cover how to set up a Logic Pro session with the studio's microphones so you can record that first demo or podcast episode.
Registration opens Monday, March 10 2025 at 7:00pm
Cook Park Library, Libertyville - Conference Room,Virtual Meeting Room
Want the fun of a book club with the freedom to read what you like? Join our no-homework group and share your shelf! For the Zoom link, contact Erica O'Rourke at DROP IN
Meet with Art Noparstak, a certified business mentor from SCORE, to get advice on starting a business, writing a business plan, and implementing a marketing strategy.
Meet with Art Noparstak, a certified business mentor from SCORE, to get advice on starting a business, writing a business plan, and implementing a marketing strategy.
Meet with Art Noparstak, a certified business mentor from SCORE, to get advice on starting a business, writing a business plan, and implementing a marketing strategy.
Need help with technology or a smart device? Visit us on Saturdays for individual instruction and basic troubleshooting from local high school volunteers.
Need help with technology or a smart device? Visit us on Saturdays for individual instruction and basic troubleshooting from local high school volunteers.
Need help with technology or a smart device? Visit us on Saturdays for individual instruction and basic troubleshooting from local high school volunteers.
Need help with technology or a smart device? Visit us on Saturdays for individual instruction and basic troubleshooting from local high school volunteers.
Meet with an intake specialist to get connected with social services resources. Visits are on a first-come, first-serve basis, located in Study Room E.
Energize and find peace! Ideal for beginners and all abilities, this class connects breath with movement, building strength and relaxation. Join us for a rejuvenating experience!
Improve your English conversation skills at this informal weekly café. To register, email Darek Makowski at with your name, email address, and telephone number.
Join Hailey for an inclusive Tai Chi and Qi Gong class suitable for all ages and abilities. Enjoy gentle movements that promote wellness for body, mind, and spirit. All levels welcome!
Cook Park Library, Libertyville - Digital Studio 1
Get started with audio recording in our Digital Studios. Training will cover how to set up a Logic Pro session with the studio's microphones so you can record that first demo or podcast episode.
Registration opens Wednesday, March 19 2025 at 10:00am
Join us to discuss A TEMPEST OF TEA by Hafsah Faizal. REGISTER for a free copy of the book (limited to first 10), or contact Leah at
Cook Park Library, Libertyville - Digital Studio 2
This 30-minute workshop shows you how to use Vidbox to convert VHS, VHS-C, and Mini DV tapes to digital video formats that can be stored on a computer hard drive, DVD, or online.
Registration opens Wednesday, March 19 2025 at 7:00pm
Come along and stretch your imaginations through stories, hands-on activities, and play with your favorite grown-up! REGISTRATION OPENS MONDAY 03/03 AT 4 PM
Aspen Drive Library, Vernon Hills - Digital Studio 1
Get started with audio recording in our Digital Studios. Training will cover how to set up a Logic Pro session with the studio's microphones so you can record that first demo or podcast episode.
Registration opens Thursday, March 20 2025 at 7:00pm
United Methodist Church of Libertyville - OWL Reservation - No Room,Rooms B & C
Join us to discuss BELOVED BEASTS: FIGHTING FOR LIFE IN AN AGE OF EXTINCTION by Michelle Nijhuis. For a copy of the book and the Zoom link, contact Allie Mendelson at DROP IN
Need help with technology or a smart device? Visit us on Saturdays for individual instruction and basic troubleshooting from local high school volunteers.
Need help with technology or a smart device? Visit us on Saturdays for individual instruction and basic troubleshooting from local high school volunteers.
Save the dates for this year's Spring Book Sale! Lots
of fabulous deals await you on books, movies, music,
and more. Book sale takes place on the lower level of Aspen Drive Library. DROP IN
Need help with technology or a smart device? Visit us on Saturdays for individual instruction and basic troubleshooting from local high school volunteers.
Need help with technology or a smart device? Visit us on Saturdays for individual instruction and basic troubleshooting from local high school volunteers.
Save the dates for this year's Spring Book Sale! Lots
of fabulous deals await you on books, movies, music,
and more. Book sale takes place on the lower level of Aspen Drive Library. DROP IN
Cook Park Library, Libertyville - Virtual Meeting Room
Read and then discuss books with other interesting people while practicing your English in conversation. Join us! For more information and to register, email Darek Makowski at
Meet with an intake specialist to get connected with social services resources. Visits are on a first-come, first-serve basis, located in Study Room E.